American Culture

Clinton inevitability: The insurgency is in its last throes

By Martin Bosworth

Just as a quick hit, I’ve noticed a number of interesting pieces floating about the blogosphere that delve into the hidden dynamics and power struggles of the Clinton campaign and why it, originally as inevitable as the sunrise and paying taxes, is now foundering so badly.

The inestimable Pam Spaulding has a roundup of Michele Cottle (from The New Republican) and Josh Greene (from The Atlantic) looking into the resignation of Patti Solis Doyle, the role she played as power broker and manager, and how Clinton, like Bush, seems to prize loyalty and discipline over competence and effectiveness.

Last week, Obsidian Wings’ Hilzoy looked at coverage of the campaign and Clinton’s failures (including the Doyle resignation), and asked why the heck could Clinton have not foreseen this.

Finally, Matthew Yglesias looks at the Clinton campaign continuing to employ the utterly odious Mark Penn (who spent the night of Clinton’s sound defeat on Tuesday in the Potomac Primaries at a signing for his book in New York), and concludes that Hillary may really just like his work, for which he’s been paid over $5 million so far.

So, let’s see…Loyalty over competence. An inability to foresee changes in plans and an even greater inability to adapt to changing circumstances. Most of all, the inability to recognize that the people you hire may not be up to the job, and may, in fact, be doing more harm to you than good.

Remind you of anyone?

Anyway, quoth my friend Mike (a huge Obama supporter), “Meanwhile, Hillary has let her husband make classic blunders, and she’s made poor decisions about her staff that she’s trying to correct now, at the eleventh hour. Don’t you want a President who’s going to be ready on Day 1, instead of one who will make novice mistakes while she “learns on the job”?

Indeed we do.

6 replies »

  1. During our caucus here in Colorado, those in our precinct and l went around and shared the reasons we supported Clinton or Obama. One of the arguments I put forth was that there was actually no drama from the Obama campaign. He built this thing from scratch and, even though I’ve kept my ear pretty hard to the ground, I haven’t heard of any internal squabbling or resignations. I thought this spoke very well for how he would run his administration. If this is what a lack of experience is – MORE PLEASE!

  2. I read the Spaulding, Cottle, and Green articles, as well as the one in the New York Observer about Penn. Absolutely fascinating.

    The upside for HRC is that she doesn’t come across as a b***h. She lets others do that for her. I was much surprised, in fact, that she doesn’t seem to be the hands-on, micro-managing type. Like I’ve heard her husband was.

    It’s just too strange to contemplate that she might have that in common with the current occupant of the White House.

  3. When all is said and done, in November, I hope everyone will be happy with McCain. Why? Because all you novice voters, of the Obama cult, if Hillary’s gets the nod, will not vote. That’s because you don’t know a damn thing but partying and getting on a supposed bandwagon. Rose colored glasses and supidity, what a duo. I’m not being vindictive but the vile hatred I’ve seen for Hillary, by Obama supporters, enough was enough.

  4. “Don’t you want a President who’s going to be ready on Day 1”
    Sure. But Edwards already dropped out of the race, remember?

  5. Fedup…wanna bet. I’m supporting Obama, but I will vote for Hillary if she manages to pull off a win in the primay races. I will not be voting for any republican. Period. Most democrats that I have talked to say the same thing, which ever one wins will get the votes in November.